The Living Arts Center Documentary

Progress Report - December 2023

As the year draws to an end, I am happy to report that we have made a lot of progress on our documentary.  In June, we conducted three days of shooting in Dayton.  Day one allowed us to interview key alumni and participants who had not yet been able to tell their stories.  Day two provided Dayton area-based alumni the opportunity to ride an RTA bus on the old route from in front of the Arcade to the drop-off spot on Xenia Ave. – a block from the Living Arts Center (currently First Tool Corporation).  We were also able to shoot recreations of the experience – what it was like in 1968 – to make that journey to LAC.  Then on day three, we invited a small group of alumni (logistical considerations prevented a larger crowd) to take a tour of First Tool.  We were able to see how it had changed in the intervening years, as well as note how some parts of it were still recognizable a half century later.  And that afternoon, we unveiled the large, colorful mural we had commissioned to commemorate the Living Arts Center in a bold way on the Todd Street side of the old Living Arts Center building.  Bing Davis and Clarence Walls joined the festivities, along with many other alumni and instructors, who were present to honor all that Living Arts brought to their lives.  This celebration was accompanied, in true LAC tradition, by the sounds of a live bluegrass band.  It was a wonderful day, capping off a very productive week.

We are currently beginning post-production, slowed only by the limitations of our funding.  We are optimistic, however, that since you have read this far, you will be inclined to hit the “Donate” button and contribute whatever you can to the completion of this passion project of ours (a not-so-subtle-but-necessary plea for financial support).  It is our greatest hope that we will be able to complete this film so that we might premiere it by the end of 2024.  So please give generously and help us achieve that goal.

David M. Matthews


Progress Report - June 2022

The documentary keeps moving forward. In April, our crew was in New York City, where we had the opportunity to interview a number of Living Arts Center alumni and record fascinating remembrances of experiences five decades ago on Linden Avenue. It was a quick trip, but we were able to squeeze in an amazing Broadway show, “Hadestown,” produced by illustrious LAC alumnus, Heni Koenigsberg.

We are currently planning our next shoot, a multi-day venture in Dayton – mid September. More specific details will follow as we solidify the arrangements for the filming. We will be shooting more interviews at that time, and encourage anyone local (or willing to travel to Dayton) to let us know if they have an interest in sitting down in front of the cameras and sharing their LAC story.

After that, we will be planning our next set of interviews, perhaps in a city near you. We’ll keep you updated, and look forward to the possibility of seeing you soon!

David M. Matthews


The Living Arts Center Documentary

If you would like to be part of the documentary or participate in Friends of the Living Arts Center, please complete the contact us form.

Progress Report - Nov. 2021

I am happy to report that the Living Arts Center documentary is progressing nicely. It made complete sense to commence our formal interview process in the place where it all began: Dayton, Ohio. Thus, early this past July, when Covid infections seemed to be waning, I traveled to the Gem City and set up shop at the Marriott by the University of Dayton. In a whirlwind of a day, we interviewed a baker’s dozen of former students and faculty members, including department heads, Bing Davis and Clarence Walls. But don’t worry if we didn’t get to talk to you this time around. We will be coming back for more interviews in the not-too-distant future.

Our next round of interviews was in San Francisco. This time, we were able to have a lengthy sit-down with one of LAC’s best-remembered guest artists, Lorin Hollander. Almost unbelievably, he was as dynamic and energetic as when he graced our presence half-a-century ago. We were additionally blessed to have a one-on-one with the original Writing Department head, Barbara Benham Tye. Renown fashion expert, Ricky Serbin, also joined us, regaling us with stories of his experiences as a celebrated New York jewelry designer. Special thanks to both Cathy Jeffers (in Dayton) and Wendy Bogin (in San Francisco), who were invaluable in keeping everything moving smoothly and on time.

In both sessions, what our interviewees had to say was compelling, nostalgia-invoking, and uplifting. It is no easy task for many of us to recall what we ate for lunch yesterday, let alone the events, encounters, and inspirations of fifty years ago. Nonetheless, judging from the stories of the people who sat before our cameras, many of their LAC memories are still remarkably fresh in their minds, having been indelibly etched in their young psyches. I am very optimistic, therefore, that upcoming interviews will continue our fruitful journey of insight and recollection, as we hear more stories from the fortunate souls who were able to experience all the magic that was the Living Arts Center.

David M. Matthews


The Living Arts Center Documentary

If you would like to be interviewed for the documentary, please let us know through the contact us tab. As mentioned above, we will be conducting additional shoots in Dayton, as well as New York City, and a few other locations that are still to-be-determined. Your participation is encouraged and appreciated!